No . 1
in England for Course Satisfaction
Guardian University Guide , 2018
97 %
of our research was classified as world-leading or of international importance
Research Excellence
Framework 2014
in the TEF Times Higher ranking in the Teaching
of the Teaching
Excellence Framework ( broad-based universities ) Framework
HEFCE 2017
An introduction to our three female Pro Vice-Chancellors , who make up 50 % of our PVC team .
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Education
Professor Helen O ’ Sullivan
Professor O ’ Sullivan started her new role in January and joins Keele from the University of Liverpool , where she was Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor ( Online Learning ) and Professor of Medical Education .
“ I am passionate about how higher education can change people ’ s lives and how we can provide that opportunity for as many students as possible . I ’ m looking forward to helping Keele push forward and differentiate on what we offer our students , and working on employability opportunities and civic volunteer engagements , so our students can learn a wide range of skills and thrive in a complex world .”
Read more about Professor O ’ Sullivan at keele . ac . uk / pvchelenosullivan
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Students
Dr Anne Loweth
Dr Loweth started her role in September 2017 , taking on the strategic leadership of all aspects of student-related activities to promote and enhance the student experience at Keele , encompassing campus life , academic induction , transition and attainment as well as student support and wellbeing .
“ I am really proud of Keele ’ s previous achievements in reaching high levels of student satisfaction and engagement , and I ’ m looking forward to working with our dedicated staff who go above and beyond to provide the best education and experience for our students . I am passionate about continuing and building on Keele ’ s supportive community , and helping our students develop to leave as highly skilled , employable graduates .”
Read more about Dr Loweth at keele . ac . uk / pvcanneloweth
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean
Professor Pauline Walsh
Professor Walsh started her role in October 2017 ; her previous research focus has been around the student experience and in particular student attrition , belonging and retention and more recently has evolved into exploring the development of resilience within but with a particular focus on their resilience in managing challenging issues during clinical placement .
“ I have always had a passion for research led practice and education and since moving to Keele I have been keen to develop the School of Nursing and Midwifery , and I will continue to do so in my wider role as PVC and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences .
“ The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences provides excellent education and world-class research and I ’ m looking forward to seeing continued growth and development in all areas .”
Read more about Professor Walsh at keele . ac . uk / pvcpaulinewalsh