The Knicknackery Issue Four | Page 23


No Fruit So Wonderful as Want

Brian Cooney

Her daughter wrote from camp about the dance.

A kid came up to let her know the guys

all thought she was the ugliest girl there.

Our waiter repeats the specials.

The Beaujolais arrives.

She’ll have the sea bass with tomato and caper sauce.

The humidity rises in advance of midsummer storms.

How tiresome it is, she says, this heat.

The talk drifts to chickens. A neighbor keeps

a few in his backyard, where they brood

near a shared stone wall, live off table scraps.

Her husband sighs

coyotes can be a nuisance.

Awakened by squawks, the neighbor had found a hen

wedged half through a knothole in the coop floor,

strewn bones and viscera

in the fetid space below.

It is sickening, she blurts,

to watch that child eat.

(as originally published by Floating Bridge Press in his 2015 Chapbook, My Idea of Fun)