The King's Connection Magazine Volume 24 // Number 2 | Página 8

CAMPUS NEWS CHOIRS TOUR EUROPE By Dr. Melanie Turgeon, Assistant Professor of Music O n May 4, 2014, The King’s University Chamber Choir and Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir, both under the direction of DR. MELANIE TURGEON, departed on a twoweek tour to Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. King’s faculty member DR. JOACHIM SEGGER travelled and performed with the choir, and PRESIDENT MELANIE HUMPHREYS also joined the group. The tour included four full concerts, two shorter performances, including a concert at a Nursing Home in Przemysl, Poland, plus singing The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at three different Greek Catholic parishes in Poland and Slovakia. The concerts were well attended and the program was extremely well received. Parish communities would often host the choirs for beautiful, bountiful receptions. The program included two main categories: Ukrainian music (almost exclusively sacred repertoire), and both sacred and secular music by North American composers. The Ukrainian repertoire included contemporary works as well as music dating back to the 18th century. This assortment of Ukrainian repertoire was balanced with a variety of Canadian and American selections from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In addition to performing, the choir members enjoyed sightseeing including a tour of Wieliczka Salt Mine, a visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps, a three-night stay in the glorious Krasiczyn Castle Hotel, and a brief visit to Budapest, Hungary. The tour concluded with a farewell dinner at an authentic Hungarian restaurant complete with live ethnic entertainment. Many King’s students remained in Europe, or traveled to meet their families at various destinations, while others returned home with the group on May 17, exhausted but fulfilled and inspired from a fabulous time in Central Europe!  6 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2014