The King's Connection Magazine Volume 24 // Number 1 | Page 14

CAMPUS NEWS UPGRADING KING’S RESIDENCE D uring the 2013-14 school year, King’s completed a renovation project on the second and third floor of the Tower Residence. The new suites provide space for second year students to stay on campus where they have greater access to student support services and activities. Six students per suite will share a common living room, kitchenette, and two washrooms. The renovation updated a 40-year-old building and will last for the next 40 years. This renovation is another example of how King’s continues to be committed to stewarding existing facilities. As of April 2014, the eight suites are already fully subscribed and students are eager to move in this September.  ROOM 6:01 IS OPEN! R oom 6:01 is a gathering space in ‘The Tower’ residence on campus. Students meet in 6:01 to connect, take a break from their studies, have fun, and share in their struggles. Room 6:01 online is a place where current student blogger, FINA MURPHY, JOELLE NOOT and MEGHAN CLARKE, will blog about tips and tricks of campus life, studying, residence life, athletics, and living in the city of Edmonton. Visit Room 6:01 online at  Left to right Meghan Clarke, Joelle Noot, Fina Murphy 12 /// The King’s Connection /// Summer 2014