The King's Connection Magazine Volume 23 Number 1//Summer 2012 | Page 16
Kings student overcomes adversity
hroughout the school year, campus ministers Tim Wood and Julianne Gilchrist, organize weekly chapels to provide an opportunity
for the community to worship God together. This past semester Gilchrist and the Worship Formation Team decided to bring the
community together through cardboard testimonials. Used in many different churches, cardboard testimonies encourage parishioners
to consider their personal struggles and how they have seen God work in that area.
Shy and humble, Gracia Kasinyabo admits that he originally wasn’t sure he wanted to participate in the cardboard testimonial chapel.
He did not know if he had anything he could say that was honest, insightful and would have impact. Through the encouragement of
Tim Wood, Gracia decided to participate and wrote, “Doctors said I would never walk or talk, and certainly never go to university. By
God’s grace I’m walking, talking and I am here. ” After sharing his testimony, the atrium erupted as participants cheered in support of
Gracia’s journey.
“We were all moved by Gracia’s testimony,” says Gilchrist. “All those who shared their cardboard testimonies
were honest about their struggles, and the community responded with overwhelming support. Our hope is
that moments like this foster continued authentic relationships in the King’s community. ”
Born in Congo and immigrated to Canada at age 7, Gracia’s testimony spoke of how early in his life
he was told that he would never walk, read or enjoy a university education because of having a
physical and developmental disability. Through Gracia’s determination given by the grace
of God he is now a student at King’s in his first year auditing the natural sciences
degree through the support of the Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Initiative
at King’s. He was initially introduced to King’s when he did a work study term in
the library. The library staff enjoyed getting to know him and hear his story. His
open-mindedness, willingness to try and infectious laugh earned him an eightmonth contract as a part-time library employee.
“We were blessed to have had Gracia as a co-worker in the library,” says Tim
Janewski, director of library services. “One of the things I’ve enjoyed most in
my position at King’s is getting to know him, helping introduce him to King’s
and seeing him flourish as a student here.”
As the library staff encouraged Gracia to get to know the King’s community
they saw him open up and became interested and involved in the community.
Janewski goes on to speak about what Gracia has brought to King’s both as
a former library employee and as a student. “Gracia brings a richness and
diversity to our community. Through his experience we are able to discover that
we are all God’s people,” says Janewski.
Community chapels offer students, faculty and staff the opportunity to pray and
celebrate together. The nurturing environment created by a weekly opportunity
for King’s to come together in worship builds the positive spirit of community
often described by King’s students and alumni.
16 ///The King’s Connection /// Summer 2012
Gracia Kasinyabo