The Kingdom Project presents: Sparks of Glory (February, 2014) | Page 14
People tend to think that I am a Christian with an “S” on my chest. They think that I
have this super abundance of faith that never wavers or that nothing fazes me. Insults
or negative criticism ricochets off my iron spirit like bullets off a tank. I admit that
sometimes I do have doubts and I do have fears and there are times when I give in to
During last year’s camp, there was one particular day that stood out amongst the rest.
There were insightful and impactful speakers that came to talk to the campers, there
was fun and laughter, there was rejoicing and singing. I was on cloud nine until later
that night when a fight between two campers erupted. In those moments I was so
angry that the events of the day became irrelevant in my mind and I began to wonder ,
what was the point of working so hard if it wasn’t going to benefit anyone?
There is a song that became very popular in C.O.G.I.C last year;
whenever it is sung it is done with so much enthusiasm and
excitement. Its lyrics go like this.
I am a warrior, I am a conqueror
I’m an overcomer
In the Name of the Lord
Camp was great
because of where we stayed
What occurred to me that night after the
and how it was planned. I know
fight was how could I be an overcomer if
that everyone had a good time living
there are no obstacles to overcome?
with each other for the week, especially
How could I be a conqueror if there is
seeing that many of us had never been away
from home for that long. I loved our classes
no enemy to conquer? How could I
and different speakers during the day which
be a warrior if there is no war for
allowed us to get closer to God. We also
me to fight? Here is perspective
learnt that the bible is like our mirror to God
that has become a reality for me,
and we should carry everything to Him in
every obstacle is an opportunity
prayer. Camp took us way from our cellular
and every setback is a set up for
phones, tablets and other electronic devices which
God’s glory to display in those
made us explore our surroundings more while
who choose to keep moving
being away from home. I know that next year I will
definitely be attending again.
forward in His grace.
Tatyana Mapp, 13