The Kimberley School Newsletter October 2016 | Página 4
Good News Students:
Congratulations to BSC Kiera Wright, BRB Luke Dickinson, CLZH Daniel Foster, CJEW Charlie
Bishop, LSOB Josh Bird, LLAT Lucy Wilsher, NNG Joseph Barlow, NJCC Emily Walker, Sophie Ella
Smith who were nominated by tutors for a great start and positive approach to Year 7.
Our Year 7 Captains are delighted to announce that Georgia Warhurst, Saskia Johnson-Richards
and Nathan Mottershead have been successful in their applications to take part in the Student Voice.
They will all have a place on the Student Council.
Good News Students:
Well done to Harvey Kidger in Year 9, who raised money for his grandma’s care home
Top 10 students from Clough House:
The following students are currently at the top of achievement point totals
for Clough House. They have worked hard in and out of lessons and
Good News made an excellent start to the academic year. Well done!
1. Zara Zakipour
6. Liam Henson
2. Jake Tobin
7. Samuel Henson
3. Carys Williams
8. Tai Lammiman
Boot is top in the house achievement table!
4. Samuel
9. Thomas Skellett
Keep getting those achievement points.
5. James Ellis
10. Matthew Smalley
Congratulations to Imogen Spouge who is Year 9
Sports Captain and in the swimming team.
Aimee Glendenning and Tom Ellis who have had perfect weeks
Point Total:
and were also involved in the swimming team.
Well done to Dan Walker and Kieran Wainwright (cross country) and to
Callum Frogson in cross country and also in becoming Sports Captain
Well done to those with 100% attendance in Boot House – A special mention goes to Kieran
Wainwright, Harry Cooper, Oliver Truman, Samuel Heysmond, Megan Philpott and Dylan Hunt.
Top 10 students from Boot House:
The following students are currently at the top of achievement point totals for Boot House. They have
worked hard in and out of lessons and made an excellent start to the academic year. Well done!
1. Daniel Walker
6. Rhiannon Coupe
2. Megan Barrett
7. Ella Foster
3. Alex Chapman
8. Jayden Kelly
4. Alex McGuckin-Walsh 9. Jacob Stimson
Point Total:
5. Kieran Wainwright
10. Isaac Wilde
Boot House Captains:
House captains form a huge part of our house ethos.
They are students from our fantastic Sixth Form, who
have been selected to represent their house.
This year, our House Captains are involved
in organising competitions and charity
events, writing house newsletters
and much more. The Boot
House Captains are:
Abbie McColl
Jessica Allen
Good News Studen
Congratulations to Hannah Davies, Mic
Cordon, Heidi Fletcher-Smith, Jade Forreste
Sophie Doherty. All of the pupils above have
nominated by their tutor to acknowledge their
start to the school
Well done also to Libby Dolman-Milner, who has beco
Student Council Represent
Nightingale House Captai
House captains form a huge part of our house ethos. They are students from our fan
Sixth Form, who have been selected to represent their house. This year, our House Cap
are involved in organising competitions and charity events, writing house newsletters
much more. The Nightingale House Captains
Olivia Smalley
Jordan Crossman
Megan Cam
Good News Students:
Keep up the good start to the year! Year 11s have made an excellent start to the year, they have taken on
lessons to achieve them. All tutor groups have settled in well. An additional morning assembly will start a
support lessons after school for all subjects aimed at students who require extra help.
Information regarding study leave for the mock exams in December will follow next half term.
Huge congratulations to Jake Douglas who has been chosen to represent Great Britain in the World Go