The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 250

Kharisma : Your purposeful body of work , as I call it , is to help men . Share a little bit about your journey and what led you to this point that you decided I want to work with men and I want to help them and I want to really guide them to be the best version of themselves .
Anushka : Alright , so I ’ m just going to give you a quick snapshot view of my childhood . I grew up in an Indian family . So , huge male energy , influence , and dominance . I very quickly understood what the role of a man and a woman is , from the eyes of an Indian household . However , I grew up in Spain , in Barcelona . At school , I was taught sort of the Western way of the role of the woman and the man , which is a lot more equal than it is in the Eastern society . Quote , unquote .
There was a lot of confusion growing up . There was a lot of chaos in my mind . To add to that , from the age of 8 I started to gain a lot of weight . So I was not particularly popular with the girls in school , whereas , the guys embraced me and I just became a buddy of theirs . A combination of all of the things that happened in my life quickly allowed me to understand men very well .
At school , obviously , I understood what guys spoke about . At home , I understood what the role of a man is in the household , and that he is meant to bring money in . I also understood that as a woman I ... If I wanted to really achieve all my dreams and goals , I had to make money for that . Like , nothing came free . I had to work for it and make money for it . So a combination of all of these things led me to dream really big .
I wanted to come to London , which is a place I visited to study my degree . My hunger for my desires brought me back to London to want to make money . Coupled with all the knowledge I had about men and all the sorts of close , male friendships I had developed over my teenage years and over my adulthood made me realize that I felt like a total man in a woman ’ s body . Over the course of years when I was in London and spent a lot of time on my own , all the suppressed emotions came up to surface , because I was a very emotional child . However , that child , that inner child of mine was suppressed for many years , and all her emotions as well .
Everything came to surface in London when I was living on my own and sort of had more time to think , and deal with my own stuff . A few years ago , I hit rock bottom , in December 2012 . I was really unhappy and I was extremely overweight . That ’ s when I realized something had to change in my life . A few months later I got introduced to The Law Of Attraction .
I used The Law of Attraction principles and mindset to lose weight , really , and work on myself and become a better person . Over the course of the years , I realized ... Okay , I am definitely destined to help people because this is really powerful work . Then I started as a health coach . I started my coaching practice as a health coach for weight loss . Through that journey and doing the own deep work myself , in March 2016 , I realized after working with a few clients here and there and always keeping my coaching practice open to both men and women ... I actually attract a lot of guys to talk to so I knew that I was going to sign up with a couple of clients here and there that were male ... I realized that I got along with men .
I understood them . They wanted to learn from me . We have too many Queens in the world and not enough Kings . And I thought , why not work with men ? It ’ s almost like it called me , versus I called it .
In 2016 , I started to attract a lot of male friends in my life . A lot of male friends asking for support , guidance . I literally , like , my close group of friends was all guys . That made me realize , okay , I ’ m helping them , you know , and its working . They ’ re actually resonating a lot more than women . I was having challenges to attract female clients . So , I was like ” Why not go with what ’ s working ?”
Eventually , I came up with the idea of empowering men . I ’ m extremely passionate about it . I think it ’ s very necessary in the world . When I see an empowered man , I don ’ t only see an empowered man . I don ’ t only see a King who is living a luxurious lifestyle in his castle or in his mansion with his family . I see beyond that . When I see an empowered man , I firstly see an empowered son , an empowered husband , an empowered father , an empowered brother , an empowered cousin , an empowered boss . So , I see all of the roles that a man fulfills in his lifestyle from the moment he grows up to the moment he effectively leaves this physical world .
I see empowerment in all of those roles . A man who is empowered to deal with his own instincts , to understand himself better , to understand what is expected of him , to understand his role better - he is going to be extremely successful in life . He ’ s going to learn how to live his life to his fullest potential . So , I see a lot beyond just an empowered man who is consciously aware of