The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 74

“ 7 4 { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } K H A R I S M A M A G A Z I N E WHILE I WAS IN JAIL, THAT’S WHEN I HEARD GOD’S VOICE. had several of those moments where... But I think the last time that I can recall - because, mind you, because of all the trauma that has taken place, I talk about in my book, about polyvictimization, and how you have so many so sometimes for me, processing or timelines, I’ve lost some of those so its hard for me to put some of that together. To answer your question, I believe the last time was when I went to jail and I got pulled over because they were suspecting that I had drugs on me. something and so she asked me, “What are you called to? Who are you? What are you called to?” She noticed or felt or seen something in my life. Immediately I could hear God’s voice say to me, “I am called to the nations, I am called to the black, the white, the gay, the straight, woman, man, boy, no matter what religion you are, I’ve been in the greatest ... Some of the greatest opportunities that I’ve had have not been among the people that I know.” At this time I had a drug house, where I had someone holding drugs for me at his house. They had been watching me and so they pulled me over because of that, then I ended up having a warrant out for my arrest for something else so I went to jail. While I was in jail doing that time, I had a visitation. I saw and felt the presence of God in the cell. This is not the first time I heard his voice say, “Either you live for Me today or you shall die.” So I said, “Okay. I don’t know how to live for You, I don’t know how to do this.” I believe that God has created me not to take from anybody else that helped pave the way for us, but I believe that He is going to use my voice as a movement in itself, to shape the way that we see human trafficking; to shape the voice and the way that we look at how we treat women, how we look at ourselves. I believe that, without apologizing, I am one that... I’m an advocate, so sometimes I offend people. Sometimes I say things that are contrary to what people think that should come out of my mouth because I’m a Christian. I am very edgy because this is how He found me. Sometimes I think that when our lives are put in pause and sometimes it seems like its in a rough place for us, right? And it seems like, God, why am I here? Sometimes He just slows us down and we think it’s the devil, we think it’s because of somebody else. I’m a believer that sometimes He puts us in a pause-break moment to give us time to re-calculate some things. While I was in jail, that’s when I heard God’s voice. I ended up getting a job two weeks later. I had never had a job really, or anything. That’s when my life started to move forward for me. I was really afraid because all I knew was the streets and hustling and surviving in that way. Kharisma: How long were you in jail for? Sharron: I was in jail for a very short period of time, but it seemed like it was forever because I felt