The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 62

6 2 { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } K H A R I S M A M A G A Z I N E So, that’s how I got started with outsourcing. I hired out a few tasks that just wasn’t one of my fortes or just frustrating me, and started focusing more of my efforts on what I really enjoyed doing and I’ve actually now built a team around the world, it’s pretty cool; it’s a pretty international team all through finding these people through or, or through referrals from friends, and it’s just me having a small team with you to work on things when you can’t work on them around the clock, at different time zones; it’s pretty neat, and it’s been critical for me to be able to grow my business and also just take time off and go and travel more and take weeks away from my business, like biking across Africa last year. There’s no way I could have done that without a virtual assistant at that time and some really great systems in place, so I am a really big, big fan of outsourcing. It took me a little while to get into it but now I think it’s fantastic! Kharisma: Great! Now your book, The Suitcase Entrepreneur- Create Freedom in Business And Adventure In Life, you’ve actually structured it in three sections based on say, a particular need for an individual starting out a business or already in business. Can you share how that’s structured? Natalie: The book? For sure, it’s actually three acts. I know that act is not even applied, but you got to have fun and adventure in life, right? So the first act is all about becoming a digital nomad really, and figuring out your propensity for risk and adventure. So it’s, “Are you cut out t0 be an entrepreneur, and also a travelling one, at that?” And I share the important things that I think you need to h