I magine what it’ s like to wake up every day and feel“ on purpose” or“ purpose-driven.”
Imagine getting out of bed and knowing exactly what you want to do as you set out to create another incredible and productive day.
Imagine living a life where you trust your own power so deeply that you no longer waste time worrying or struggling, or feeling stuck.
Now imagine yourself as an Iconic Entrepreneur, such as a Healer, Coach, Consultant, Author, Expert, or Service Provider who: ~ Has a purpose or cause beyond that which is motivated by money.
What does‘ Dare to Be Iconic’ mean?
~ Boldly unleashes her purposeful body of work into the world. ~ Provides a brand experience that stands out.
~ Is a symbol of excellence to which others aspire. ~ Has admirers and raving clients, and is instantly recognizable. ~ Designs and lives the life she desires, unapologetically. ~ Loves luxury and the finer things, and experiences in life. ~ Loves to travel. ~ Has an online business doing something meaningful she loves, so that she can make money and live the lifestyle of her dreams. ~ Loves having the freedom to work wherever she chooses. ~ Works daily on her core beliefs and develops a mindset to build a successful business. ~ Intentionally builds an iconic brand around her ideal lifestyle so that she can have the time, money, and freedom she desires. ~ Is passionate about supporting causes and organisations that are dear to her heart.
In other words,‘ Dare to Be Iconic’ is about igniting your purpose, reclaiming your power, and designing the life you desire... it is a way of being.