The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 178

178 { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } K H A R I S M A M A G A Z I N E No on e p e r son wi l l g et th e sam e exp e r i e nc e f rom m e . you have to come back home to your reality, and do it all over again. Maybe the person is Muslim, and they can’t eat this particular item, so how do you work with them? Kharisma: It’s so true. Very true. My packages are all transformative, and they’re individualized and unique to each and every different person I work with. No one person will get the same experience from me. Milan: If you have that connection going in that follows you from the beginning that was already helping you to the middle, and then to the end, then the transformation will be that much greater, because my packages are not dieting. I’m not giving people a cleanse that they can get on. Anyone can do that at any given time they want to. Cleansing and dieting, I think they’re good for a moment. Not dieting, but cleansing is good for a moment... Maybe it’s a moment of time, maybe a couple days, three at most, because the body still needs to function. It needs the right foods to function. Your body needs protein, your body needs carbohydrates. You need those foods. When the body’s deprived, then it’s not going to perform at its peak. When you’re dieting, that’s just restricting yourself all together. You’re restricting yourself from foods that you enjoy, foods that you love, foods that you’ve become accustomed to. There are just so many different women, and men, in the world from different parts of the earth. You can’t tell a person from South Africa that you can’t eat this, or you can’t tell a person who’s Asian who wants to be healthier or lose weight, you can’t tell them, ”Well you can’t eat this,” but this is part of their culture. Maybe someone who’s... Say, take the culture out of it, and now this is a religious issue. Kharisma: Awesome. Milan: I should say. Kharisma: I love that, so it’s customized and it’s holistic, it’s a holistic approach in terms of the food that they eat, and the nutrients and all that sort of stuff. Especially when they travel to maintain that healthy lifestyle. It’s not like a yo-yo diet. Milan: Right. Kharisma: Do this for three days and then so on. Milan: Exactly. Kharisma: That, I mean, and that’s how it should be. It should be a lifestyle. We should approach this as a lifestyle, because then it becomes part of our daily activities. It becomes part of who we are, really, which is important. Milan: Exactly. I just want to make mention going back to the vacation portion of the women who tend to travel a lot, and even just thinking about this generation of women, the generation of women that... Maybe not necessarily I grew up with, but there’s certain demographics of women who, unless if they have children or they’ve been married, then maybe they cook. If they’re career women, they don’t cook or maybe they don’t enjoy to cook, or they don’t really know how. They have their certain staples that they cook and that’s about it, and then the rest of the time they dine out, because it’s easy. When that’s your lifestyle, which includes a travel component, you have to understand what dining out is really about, the experience. A lot of times we go out to eat, we get caught up into the comradery, we caught up into just being around other people, and the atmosphere, and the music. You forget that, oh my goodness, I’ve eaten a lot more than I should’ve eaten. United States and some of the other countries may be slowly picking up that feeding style as well, but you no longer get small plates. You get these large pl