The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 112

Well said ! I love those words .
Natalie : Awesome . Actually , geez ! Was that me ? I feel like that was Liz Dickinson , who was it ?
Kharisma : It was you !
Natalie : Oh , wow ! I should read my book again . Yeah , definitely ! I think people get really caught up in work – life balance , and just trying to be this super human being , and has everything together , and that ’ s quite honestly not the case , like I never have work – life balance , I actually adore doing the work that I work on , and then I go out and I blitz it and I play hard and I play my sports and I spend time with friends , but I wouldn ’ t say it ’ s particularly balanced , and when I ’ m focused on projects like my book launch , that ’ s my focus .
I ’ ll go out running with a dog that I ’ m dog sitting or go and play my favorite sport , but people get really hung up on thinking that they have to do it all and do it perfectly , and then on top of that , when things aren ’ t going well , they tend to quit early , and as you and I know , that ’ s probably the best time for you to stick with it , because that ’ s pretty much when you are on the verge of a break-through .


I often find that , in the past when I ’ ve been keen on , or close to giving up on something , I ’ ve just pushed through that , and then I ’ ve come out the other side with great results . And had I given up earlier , it just wouldn ’ t have worked out , and you ’ ll know when something is just you fighting an up – hill battle and it ’ s really not a good idea to go on , or when you ’ re just feeling fearful or a little stressed out and you ’ ve been really pushing hard and you ’ re not quite there yet but that ’ s the time to not just give up because that ’ s the kind of thing that ’ s going to come through for you .
Kharisma : Absolutely ! Now to date , Natalie ’ s adventures , claims to fame , so far : Natalie has crossed the Myanmar border illegally by mistake and got chased out by locals with rifles , she tried to joke around with a security guard in a Sydney airport , saying , “ I have explosives on my chest , do not get any ideas ”, she said ; She cycled 6500km , which is about 4000 miles from Nairobi , Kenya to Cape Town , South Africa in 2012 , raising $ 12 , 500 for charity .
She has also won a gold medal in the Ultimate Frizbee in the 2007 World Beach Championships in Brazil and played at championship level on 4 different continents since 2006 . Natalie has also broken a gold record for dragon boating