Circle K'ers,
As summer comes close to an end, prepare for another exciting year of service!
Fall semester is appoaching quickly, so get ready to recruit some new
members! During recruitment, think about what first attracted you to Circle K
and why you love this organization so much. Be fearless, be brave, and be bold
when expressing your love for Circle K because this is YOUR organization and
recruitment is the perfect time to persuade potential new members into
thinking why Circle K is the best.
For officers, there will be two fall training conferences: one in Pittsburgh and
one in Philadelphia. This is an exciting and informative event in which you will learn what roles you play in shaping your club.
Lastly, get excited for Fall Rally! This event is a perfect opportunity for you to
meet members within our division. (Bonus: If you want to meet me, there's a
100% chance that you will if you come to this event.)
With all that being said, I look forward to meeting every single one of you during
the school year. Don't forget to bring along new members!
Yours in friendship and service,
Aileen Liew