The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society Med Journal Feb 2020_Final | Page 4

derm dilemma A Special Section: Short Dermatological Cases by Kyle Sandiford, MD candidate, Class of 2021 Logan Rush, MD, Resident, UAMS Dept of Dermatology Kevin St. Clair, MD 20-year-old college student presents with a widespread, intensely pruritic rash which has progressively wors- ened over the past two months. It is located diffusely on her body, but is most promi- nent in her axillae, areolae, waist, and interdigital web spaces. The primary eruption appears to be small, 2-3mm excoriated papules. Using a #15 scalpel blade and mineral oil, scrapings were taken of a few of the papules of the interdigital web spaces and examined with light microscopy (see Figure 1). What is the next most appropriate step? A) Topical triamcinolone ointment twice daily x 10 days B) Praziquantel 20 mg/kg PO three times daily x1 day only C) Permethrin cream 5% applied from the neck down, and repeated in 7 days D) Punch biopsy of an intact papule, as the scraping was not diagnostic E) Examination of the seams of clothing for live lice (Pedicululus humanis corporis) or nits (eggs) Answer: C The photomicrograph above demonstrates the human-specific mite Sarcoptes scabiei homi- nis (dark oval structure upper right of photo). Scabies can have variable clinical presentations, but often presents as pruritic excoriated pap- ules most prominent in the interdigital spaces, flexural creases, areola of women, glans penis, and volar wrists. While observation of bur- rows (thread-like linear elevations of a few mm length that represent the intraepidermal tunnel 152 • The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society Figure 1. resulting from the burrowing of female mites) is highly suggestive of an infestation, definitive diagnosis requires direct observation of mites, eggs, or scybala (feces) on a prepared slide. When a burrow is located on the skin, a drop of mineral oil is placed over the area, followed by a superficial longitudinal scraping motion utilizing a surgical blade. Mite eggs are also observed in the photomicrograph above (small oval struc- tures bottom left). of choice; crotamiton and precipitated sulfur in petrolatum are alternative topical agents. Oral iv- ermectin may also be prescribed. It is important to inform patients that the pruritus may persist for several weeks after scabicidal treatment. • Therapy should be given simultaneously to household and sexual contacts of the infested patient, and clothing and bedding used in the pre- vious several days should be washed in hot water or sealed in a plastic bag for 3 days. Scabies mites generally cannot survive for more than 3 days off of a human host. Currently, topical permethrin 5% cream (repeated in 7 days) is the treatment Arkmed-pac needs you in 2020