The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society Med Journal April 2019 Final 2 | Page 17

9. Dr. Scott Ferguson was recognized for his election to the AMA Board of Trustees. He thanked everyone for the support of his campaign and reviewed some of the advocacy efforts of the AMA. 10. Dr. Omar Atiq was elected to fill Scott Ferguson’s unexpired term as an AMA Delegate.  Dr. Amy Cahill was elected AMA Alternate Delegate to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Omar Atiq. 11. Dr. Danny Wilkerson was re-elected Chairman of the Board. 12. The Board of Trustees convened into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. November 2, 2018 The Arkansas Medical Society Board of Trustees met at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, November 2, 2018, at Red Apple Inn in Heber Springs. Members attending the meeting were Drs. William Ackerman, Lee Archer, Bradley Bibb, Dale Blasier, Samuel Bledsoe, Amy Cahill, Kay Chandler, George Conner, William Dedman, James DeRossitt, Gina Drobena, Kristie Gast, Matt Haustein, Michael Hickman, Tim Paden, Carolyn Reeves, Chad Rodgers, Jeremy Saul, Matthew Spond, Shannon Swift, Joe Thompson, Toby Vancil, Danny Wilkerson, Dennis Yelvington, and Robert Zimmerman. AMS Past Presidents present were Drs. G. Edward Bryant, Scott Ferguson, Stephen Magie, Michael Moody, Gene Shelby, and Steve Strode. AMS staff present were Billie Jean Davenport, Alanna Scheffer, Laura Hawkins, Laura Haywood, Scott Smith, Kay Waldo, and David Wroten. AMS Legal Counsel present were Mike Mitchell, David Ivers, and Blake Byrd. Guests present were Dr. Cole Peck, Dr. Mark Hahn, and Dr. Milton Hammerly. Chairman Danny Wilkerson, MD called the meeting to order, reminded members of the AMS conflict of interest policy, and the following business was received and transacted: 1. 2. Dr. Brad Bibb, Chairman of the AMS Finance and Auditing Committee, presented the 2019 proposed budget in Executive Session. The Board approved the budget recommendations. The Board approved the minutes of the following meetings: • August 22, 2018 Board of Trustees Meeting 3. Dr. Nisha Viswanathan was elected to fill the unexpired term for Dr. Seth Barnes in District 2. Dr. Barnes’ term ends May 2020. 4. David Wroten presented the membership and budget report and a tort reform update for information. 5. The following doctors were reappointed to the Finance and Audit Committee with terms of January 2019 – December 2020: Dr. Sam Bledsoe, Dr. Danny Wilkerson, Dr. Lee Archer, and Dr. Kristen Lienhart. 6. The Board discussed a pending lawsuit to lift midwife restrictions in the state. Upon motion, the Board voted to allow AMS attorneys to intervene in the lawsuit to dismiss if deemed necessary. 7. Dr. Brad Bibb led a discussion on Point of Care.Members agreed AMS should research to determine what other states are doing on this issue and contact the AMA for their position. 8. AMS Board members following three issues: discussed the • What are three most valuable benefits of your AMS membership that you would share with a non-member colleague? • What do you think are the biggest challenges with recruiting and retaining members? • What can AMS do to bring more value to current and potential members? This information will be used for membership recruitment and retention efforts. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. January 30, 2019 The Arkansas Medical Society Board of Trust- ees met at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 30, 2019, at the Little Rock Club. Members attend- ing the meeting were Drs. Lee Archer, Bradley Bibb, Dale Blasier, Samuel Bledsoe, Calvin Bracy, Amy Cahill, Kay Chandler, George Conner, Wil- liam Dedman, Jacob Dickinson, Gina Drobena, Gary Edwards, Matt Haustein, Michael Hickman, Jim Ingram, Larry (Jack) Johnson, Kristen Lien- hart, Tim Paden, William Reding, Carolyn Reeves, Chad Rodgers, Jeremy Saul, Shane Smith, Mat- thew Spond, Shannon Swift, Joe Thompson, Toby Vancil, Danny Wilkerson, Ngozidilenna Wilkins, Dennis Yelvington, Robert Zimmerman, and Nisha Viswanathan. AMS Past Presidents present were Drs. Omar Atiq, G. Edward Bryant, Scott Ferguson Lloyd Langston, Larry Lawson, Stephen Magie, and Gene Shelby. AMS staff present were Billie Jean Davenport, Alanna Scheffer, Laura Haywood, Scott Smith, Kay Waldo, and David Wroten. AMS Legal Counsel present was David Ivers. Guests present were Dr. Julie MacNeil and Dr. Nate Smith. Chairman Danny Wilkerson, MD called the meeting to order, reminded members of the AMS conflict of interest policy, and the following busi- ness was received and transacted: 9. The Board approved the minutes of the November 2, 2018 Board of Trustees Meeting. 10. Dr. Julie MacNeil of Pine Bluff was elected to fill the unexpired term for Dr. Doug Coleman in District 4. Dr. Coleman’s term ends May 2020. 11. David Wroten presented the membership and budget report for information. He re- minded Board members that AMS would be holding elections for district trustees Feb. 15-28.  Nominations are also being accept- ed for the Askelpion and Shuffield awards. 12. Upon motion, the Bylaws Committee will review and consider a recommendation to allow districts that have had a drop in membership to have one year to regain the membership before losing a trustee. 13. David Wroten and Scott Smith discussed the 2019 Legislative Session and discussed the issues AMS would be working on during the 2019 legislative session. Board members were encouraged to get involved and respond to calls for action. 14. Board members were encouraged to attend the Annual Membership Meeting on April 26, 2019, in Little Rock. 15. Dr. Danny Wilkerson, Chairman, asked Board members to contact him should they have any suggestions for when AMS Board of Trustees meetings should be held. The Board typically meets four times a year on a Wednesday and/or Friday. 16. Highlights of an AMA Interim Meeting were provided for information. 17. The final letter in response to a CMS request for feedback on the Open Payments Program reporting requirements was provided for information. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. NUMBER 10 APRIL 2019 • 233