The Journal Of Political Studies Volume I, No. 1, Dec. 2013 | Page 11

states must balance financial interests while maintaining a cohesive national identity.

This paper focuses on the effects of the Indian Diaspora in Germany in regards to: (1) the international relations of diasporas, (2) the economics of migration, Germany in regards to: (1) the international relations of diasporas, (2) the economics of migration, and (3) critical legal theory. The role of common identity construction in inernational relations will be investigated by analysing the Indian Diaspora in a holistic manner, which includes analysing both global and local politics. Moreover, by examining the microeconomics of immigration, I will be able to identify the underlying factors behind migration movement. Finally, by employing critical legal theories and studies of transnational ethnic networks, I hope to establish a firm theoretical and pragmatic backing for the research.

This paper proceded with five sections. Section II is a discussion of the frames that will be applied in the research, which will include a description of the hypothesis, scopes of particular research elements, and the application of differerent comparison models. This discussion of framework is particularly important because it will describe, contextually, the following analysis as well as guide the fundamental research. Section III is a discussion of the international relations of the South Asian Diaspora in regards to transnational politics. Section IV is an analysis of inter-country politics between the Indian and German governments. Section V is an analysis of critical legal theory, the Indian-German population, and their activism and perceptions of German politics. Section VI concludes and describes the further research that is needed.


Based on the nature of the Indian Diaspora as cited in the literature, the comparisons that can be drawn from divergent populations, and