The Journal of mHealth Vol 3 Issue 5 (Oct/Nov) | Page 38

An Innovative Approach to Academic Medical Research IT Continued from page 35 offer a better alternative to paper-based forms, but they do have their downsides too. There are issues concerning security and privacy (e.g. compliance with 21CFR11 and HIPAA), data ownership, lack of flexibility and features, responsibility for lost data, and many more. And as the study complexity increases, the limited functionality and inflexibility of third-part web-based survey tools become more evident. Modern medical research studies tend to have complex requirements that are not accommodated by the methods mentioned above. Research protocols may involve multiple clinical sites, study arms and participant types. The data collected on the research study may include complex data files and types like EEGs, MRIs, medical records and pedigree charts that need to be reviewed and have patient identifiable information removed. The data collection forms may have questions or workflows that are not implementable in the survey tool. This list is by no means exhaustive, but I want to emphasise that paper forms and 3rd party survey tools are probably more suited to simple data collection only, because they don’t address the full range of requirements of modern medical research projects. As the study’s requirements and complexity increase, the use of paper-based forms and third party web-based survey tools become unwieldy and inefficient very quickly. It was for this reason CLIRINX was developed. Our experience had shown that there was a lack of options for medical researchers when it came to web-based study management and electronic data collection. Existing vendors’ software products were too complex and expensive to purchase and maintain, and didn’t adequately address the needs of medical researchers. Research studies don’t have the budgets to pay for expensive software, such as the upfront purchase price or on a usage basis (e.g. SaaS). And vendors are in the business of selling software, not providing the research study with the full array of IT expertise that the research study needs. Since 2004, we have provided IT leadership on multiple