The Journal of mHealth Vol 2 Issue 4 (August) | Page 38

mHealth in Developing Countries Continued from page 35 Are there any risks that we should consider with this type of approach? “We can’t lose sight of the importance of our healthcare professionals in the delivery of health diagnoses and services. Too often, software is divorced from workflow; interfaces are disconnected from the realities of how professionals need to interact with them; and analytics provide too much of the unnecessary or the just plain wrong. Healthcare professionals and administrators will be much better at their jobs if they have access to the complete range of data they need. And they’ll only be able to leverage that data if we can deliver it in ways that’s accessible and accurate and actionable. Too many software vendors are failing to understand this critical imperative.” What are the principle steps that the industry needs to take in order to facilitate the transition to datadriven healthcare delivery? “For us, it comes down to three key mea- sures: are we delivering data that is accessible, even at the point of care; is that data accurate; and is that data actionable? I’m always asking how we’re doing on our ‘Three As’: accessible, accurate, actionable. Anyone working in healthcare big data and analytics should be concerned with this question. An obsessive focus on the ‘Three As’ will have a transformative effect on healthcare delivery and administration, which will lead to lower costs, optimised revenues, and, most importantly, improved health outcomes for all people.” n mHealth in Developing Countries: A Model for the Improvement of Global Health and for Reverse Innovation in the U.S. By Steven W. Stavrou Introduction Abstract In 2009, The World Health Organization published a report titled The Financial Crisis and Global Health, which brought light to global health issues that were expected to arise from the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. Among the principle concerns highlighted in this report, the risk of health services and health outcomes in both developed and, as a result, developing nations was the most imperative. The WHO argued that whether from high- or low-income countries, it is the poor that will be hit hardest. In the WHO’s five-point framework for action against this global crisis, pro-health public spending that is “pro-poor” was identified as an imperative investment that should yield positive health outcomes. Additionally, global collaboration between and within countries, as well as a focus on resear