The Journal of mHealth Vol 2 Issue 2 (Apr 2015) | Page 17
Industry News
on the inaccuracies and the poor reliability of these systems, which has led to a
series of regulatory concerns and investigations. These concerns do not just relate
to causative morbidity, but also mortality. Indeed, of particular note are the
concerns of poor performance of these
systems in sub-populations, such as the
elderly, children and also in pregnancy.
“A series of recent papers has highlighted technical performance issues
with these older systems and also the
limitations of their accuracy and reliability. Hence, there is a clear need for a
better and more accurate, more robust,
versatile technology to be made available
within this critical field of medicine - not
just from the view of experts, but also
from a general patient and consumer
"The TLT Sapphire sensor development
has created a pioneering platform from
which further technological advances in
haemodynamic profiling may be realised
and thus improve the management of an
array of medical conditions." n
Revolutionary ‘Pregnancy Tester’ to
Help UK's 1m Undiagnosed Kidney
Disease Cases
New report highlights how a nanoparticle device could save NHS millions
of pounds a year and revolutionise kidney disease treatment.
A new medical device which combines nanotechnology with a
pregnancy tester c