The Journal of mHealth Vol 2 Issue 1 (February 2015) | Page 20
Industry News
Innovative Mobile Surgical Training
Platform Introduces Customised
Feeds for Educational Resources
even better. One key output of these
discussions is My Stream, a tool which
delivers a customised feed of research,
articles, and news hand-picked by our
surgical team. We think it is a simple way
for you to stay up-to-date with cuttingedge medical news and remain at (or
attain) your peak potential as a surgeon.”
Touch Surgery, the mobile surgical
education platform has announced the
introduction of new features which
provide users with customised educational feeds.
The ‘My Stream’ component, which
introduces a significant addition to the
existing resources of the Touch Surgery
platform, aims to enhance the surgical
simulation platform by integrating a customisable stream that updates users with
medical news and research relevant to
specific areas of interest.
Touch Surgery is a unique surgical training resource that uses realistic 3D visualisations to guide users through complex
operations by breaking them down into
their component steps. Working with
leading Surgeons and Institutions from
around the world the company create
accurate and valuable surgical content,
with the aim of disseminating the best
techniques and procedures to improve
the quality of surgery worldwide.
The platform, which is available for both
tablets and smartphones, includes over
40 different training modules aimed at
giving surgical trainees the opportunity
to master the necessary cognitive decision-making processes prior to attempting the manual parts of an operation.
By basing the visualisations on leading
surgical best-practice the app helps
February 2015
ensure that users feel confident in their