The Journal of mHealth Vol 1 Issue 1 (Feb 2014) | Page 17
Tactio Health Group
Tactio Health Group
Not many digital health companies can boast millions of users worldwide, across 16 different languages, but for Montreal based Tactio Health Group
that is the reality of their unique position within the
mHealth industry.
Established in 2009 by serial entrepreneur Michel
Nadeau, the company provides a suite of mobile
software and systems that allow people to easily track
their health and manage chronic conditions.
For Michel the use of disruptive technologies has
been a founding philosophy in his career and something that has been eloquently applied to the healthcare market in the creation of the Tactio Health
Group. A Professional engineer, Michel was awarded the “Young Engineer Achievement Award” by
the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, in
2000, for his first start-up which used software and
off-the-shelf diagnostic equipment, to manage very
large scale IP Telephony networks, an industry previously dominated by expensive hardware and specialised computers that barely talked to one another.
The vision for Michel with Tactio Health Group was
to deliver a health platform that could be entirely
mobile. From the beginning the concept for the diagnostic elements of the system was to utilise software and off-the-shelf connected health devices. In
the early days of the company’s development, when
connected healthcare was still very much in its infancy, this meant that there were very few products and
solutions to work with. Fast forward to the present,
and the growth of connected devices and mobile solutions in the burgeoning digital health market means
that the solutions developed by Tactio are uniquely
positioned to interface with a whole spectrum of
different digital health solutions and devices.
The company has close to 4 million people worldwide across 16 different languages tracking their
health on its iOS and Android health applications,
which allow for connectivity with almost 75 different activity and lifestyle tracking devices, and offthe-shelf medical diagnostic tools. In addition to the
consumer health market the company serves many
large healthcare organisations with its turnkey mobile health management solution TactioRPM™, a
solution that delivers healthcare applications ranging
from corporate wellness to remote monitoring, all
within a disruptive business model.
The TactioRPM™ system has three main components: RPM1000™, RPM6000™ and RPM7000™,
collectively working together for the patient, clinician and secured cloud respectively. What makes the
TactioRPM™ unique is the ability to bring together
multi-vendor connected health devices, lifestyle vitals, physical activity and chronic disease measurements into a single mobile platform that applies
science-based medical rules to every data point received. Providing instant feedback to patients as to
where they stand, how well they are doing or how
they are controlling their disease. The solution provides Hospital Groups, Pharmacy Chains, Home
Care Service Providers, Nursing Institutions and
other care organisations, who need to make the ‘build
or buy decision’, with all the components required to
deploy a mobile health system and start integrating
it with their EHR, Patient Portals, and other digital
health systems.
The Journal of mHealth