The Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology No 56-4 | Page 5

American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology ( AmSECT ) https :// www . amsect . org /
The mission of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology ( AmSECT ) is to foster improved patient care and safety by providing for the continuing education and professional needs of the extracorporeal circulation technology community .
ISSN : 0022-1058 e-ISSN : 2969-8960
Editor-in-Chief Raymond K . Wong , PhD , CCP Tucson , AZ JECTeditor @ amsect . org
Managing Editor AmSECT Headquarters Chicago , IL Phone : 312-321-5156 JECT @ amsect . org
Online edition of JECT
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Journal published by :
EDP Sciences S . A . S . 17 , avenue du Hoggar , PA de Courtabœuf , BP 112 , 91944 Les Ulis Cedex A , France
http :// www . edpsciences . org
Aims and Scope of the Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology
AmSECT ’ s Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology ( JECT ) is dedicated to the study and practice of basic science and clinical issues related to extracorporeal circulation . JECT is the premier source of the most current research and information related to extracorporeal technology including cardiopulmonary bypass , extracorporeal life support , mechanical assist devices , and perioperative blood management . It is an international journal for perfusionists , anesthesiologists , surgeons , nurses , and researchers . Areas emphasized in the Journal include :
– Cardiopulmonary Bypass – Cardiac Surgery – Cardiovascular Anesthesia – Hematology – Blood Management – Physiology – Fluid Dynamics – Laboratory Science – Coagulation and Hematology – Transfusion – Business Practices – Pediatric Perfusion – Total Quality Management – Evidence-Based Practices – Mechanical Circulatory Systems – Biomedical Engineering – Medical Education Research – Simulation
The journal publishes original articles , case reports , techniques and applications , and review articles . Letters to the Editor and book reviews are encouraged .
About JECT
The Journal is the longest continuously published periodical in the field of Perfusion and has served as the official publication of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology since 1967 .
From 1st January 2023 , JECT is full Open Access .
All articles published by JECT from January 2023 are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication , without subscription charges or registration barriers on the publisher ’ s platform at : https :// ject . edpsciences . org .
The journal is indexed in Medline through PubMed , PubMed Central , and the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature ( CINAHL ). JECT is also indexed in Scopus and Crossref .
Publications manager : A . Henri ;
V . Kiruvanayagam Production manager : R . Nicastro
Advertisements Bernadette Dufour Phone : + 33 787 570 759 e-mail : bernadette . dufour @ edpsciences . org