The Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology Issue 55-1 | Page 19

B . Lohbusch et al .: J Extra Corpor Technol 2023 , 55 , 3 – 22 11 sampling bias , compound questioning , recall bias , and respondent misinterpretation of questions . Survey participation was limited to programs located in the Zone IV region of AmSECT , with a response rate of 34.7 %. A majority of center responses were received from Northeastern programs . Data collected from these centers may not be generalizable to centers outside of this region . Survey recruitment across additional zones would appreciably increase our understanding of adult perfusion practice . Additionally , the timing of the survey may have been influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic , as centers may have experienced changes in both cardiac surgical and ECMO procedural volume . Recruitment was also restricted to a database containing names and emails of chief perfusionists and managers . The lapse in time between database data collection and survey recruitment may have contributed to lower survey response rates . Many of the non-respondents were attributed

to invalid contact information , as several perfusion managers may have left their place of employment prior to the recruitment period . Lastly , this survey did not collect data on all aspects of clinical perfusion service . Examples include ultrafiltration , departmental quality improvement initiatives , or perfusion position vacancy rates .

Data availability
The Informed Consent and Survey Tool used in this study is available in the Appendix of this article .
No animals or animal blood was used in this study . This study did not involve obtaining biospecimens or medical information from the participants , so institutional review board approval was not sought .
Authors contributions
The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows : study conception and design : B . L ., B . M ., K . O ., R . C ., D . F .; data collection : J . W ., B . L .; analysis and interpretation of results : B . L ., B . M ., K . O ., R . C ., D . L ., D . F ., L . D .; draft manuscript preparation : B . L ., B . M ., K . O ., D . F ., D . L ., L . D . All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript .
Clinical practice surveys can be effective tools in identifying current perfusion staffing , techniques , and equipment utilization . Professional organizations may offer opportunities to promote the recruitment of member center participation .

Additional research is warranted to help explain the gaps that may exist between clinical practice guidelines and current perfusion practice . This survey identified several elements of perfusion practice that did not reach thresholds consistent with high-level clinical practice guidelines and professional standards . Longitudinal surveys may describe clinical trends over time and measure adherence to evidence-based and professional standards and guidelines . Benchmarking and trending analysis is necessary to identify areas of improvement , help predict changes in clinical resource management , and foster improved patient outcomes .

Acknowledgements . The authors would like to acknowledge the members of the International Consortium of Evidence-Based Perfusion ( ICEBP ) for their contribution to testing the survey tool prior to distribution .
Conflict of interest
Dr . Likosky reported ( 1 ) partial salary support to his institution from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan in advancing quality in Michigan and ( 2 ) serving as a consultant to AmSECT .
Dr . Likosky received funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality as well as the National Institutes of Health . None of the other authors have other funding to share .
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