The Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology Issue 55-1 | Page 10

2 Raymond K Wong : J Extra Corpor Technol 2023 , 55 , 1 – 2
There are many people to thank for shepherding this huge transition for the journal . Firstly , I thank the AmSECT board of directors and the journal leadership team for initially greenlighting the efforts to modernize our journal and to ultimately approve our new publication partnership . Secondly , I thank AmSECT ’ s Management Company , Smithbucklin and Riverwinds Consulting whose members were critical in guiding us through the considerations of our new needs and the vetting process . Last but not least , I am most grateful to the team at our new publication partners , EDP Sciences who have diligently ensured that all the needs for the transition are being addressed , both the flashy ( with creative help from their web design and marketing teams ) and the mundane ( policies ). Even though our new partners are based a continent away in France , I am happy to report that communication has not been an issue and we have been collaborating efficiently and smoothly !

In this issue , Lohbusch , et al . [ 1 ] reports on a recent survey of adult clinical perfusion practices in the United States . Although

geographically limited to the Eastern United States , it nicely captures a snapshot of the techniques and devices currently being utilized . The survey also identifies opportunities for improving the adoption of best practice guidelines published by various groups recently . On the other side of the country , Sleasman , et al . [ 2 ] describe a pilot program to test a novel online ECMO supply sharing platform hosted by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization ( ELSO ). Nine regional centers successfully participated in an effort to alleviate supply shortages amongst themselves . Propagated internationally by ELSO , this platform has the potential to meaningfully impact future pandemics , at least from the perspective of equipment and supply availability .
Our first issue in this new era is not too lengthy as we transition , but we look forward to advancing our journal on all fronts as we execute on positioning all the proper pieces in place .
Raymond K . Wong at The University of Arizona . https :// www . arizona . edu / about # land-acknowledgment
Raymond K Wong , ( PhD , CCP ) Editor-in-Chief
1 . Lohbusch B , Olson K , Magowan B , et al . ( 2023 ) Adult clinical perfusion practice survey : 2020 results . J Extra Corpor Technol 55 , 3 – 22 . 2 . Sleasman JR , Hijawi U , Alsalemi A , et al . ( 2023 ) Foundations of a life support equipment exchange platform : ELSO supplies . J Extra
Corpor Technol 55 , 39 – 43 .
Cite this article as : Wong RK . A brand-new era has begun for JECT . J Extra Corpor Technol 2023 , 55 , 1 – 2