The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 89

towards me . I slowed my breathing , and narrowed my eyes , my head was hurting like hell , but I had to make it through . The bear stopped right at the edge of my face , and it bent its head to acknowledge me , it smelled me , top to bottom , after a few minutes , it finally raised its snout . I thought it had lost interest , but I was wrong , as it took its left paw , and raised it high into the air , ready to strike ....... I closed my eyes , and awaited the worst ....... But nothing happened ...... I lay there completely still ...... And nothing happens .
I open my eyes ........ To see nothing ...... No bear .......
Was I imagining that ? I thought to myself , as it felt so real . Dazed , I brought myself to a sitting position , and leaned on the back of a tree . I felt as if my head was compressing my brain , and so I leaned down on the snow , and slept .......
Again I had another dream ...... I was somewhere , in a place that I didn ’ t recognise ...... I was reading notes from someone ’ s journal ....... I tried to focus on the notes , but then I felt a cold sensation drop on me from everywhere , and it was then that I woke up again .
Snow was piling on top of me , and it was nearly night . I got up , and tried to look for shelter . The night was cruel , as it grew colder and darker . The moon was starting to come up , and I was frozen half to death . I understandably was hungry , as I had not eaten anything for the whole day .
My fingers were starting to grow numb , my face was as white as the falling snow , and my throat ached for water ....... Seeing no one and nothing that could possibly save me , I began to think of my yet to be born child , and pregnant wife miles away in the comfort of their home . Tears planted on my face ......
walked for perhaps another ten minutes , before I tripped on something metallic , buried deep beneath the snow . I was surprised , and dug through the snow , to see a metal door .
It held a label that said , Бункер 101 . It meant bunker in Ukrainian .
The door was heavy , but somehow I managed to open it . The door led to an underground room . It was lighted , so I
assumed someone was here .
“ Hello ? “
No response . I made my way down the stairs , but before that I put my shoe between the bunker and the doorframe , as I didn ’ t know if I could open it from the inside .
The room was illuminated by a hanging lightbulb . I looked around , and found a refrigerator . And to my luck , I found cheese , yoghurt , and some meat . I also found a large trunk that held emergency supplies , and other food .
I was able to make myself some chicken stew , and sat down on a chair to eat it . But before I could , I saw a book with the title .........
Журнал Ibaha Касприновича ......... Journal of Ivan Kasprinovich .
I looked around myself , and I didn ’ t see anyone ....... I was intrigued and decided to read the journal .
DAY 1- 26-4-86
I normally keep a journal with myself to keep a record of what I do . Today was the ‘ incident ’.
After world war two , the government installed several nuclear plants in the USSR . The government , impressed by the results of this chaotic weapon , ordered several plantations in the country , as there was doubt that there could be war with the United states of America . The cold war . And my job is to see the daily process and result of the nuclear fission in the nuclear reactor , and then report the status to the head of state . However one seemingly normal day turned into a nightmare ........
An alarm rang off in the plant that there was a problem in the nuclear reactor . My colleagues and several others booked it out of the plant , in panic , I couldn ’ t hear exactly what was being said over the loudspeaker .
RING ........ RING ........ RING .........
“ This is not a drill .......... Nuclear fission ......... Escalated ........ Please ...... go through the emergency exits ......... I repeat ..........”
I got into my car , and drove at top speed out of the nuclear plant ...... But I knew that the car wouldn ’ t be able
to make it out of the explosion zone in time , and so I searched for a bunker . The government had installed around thirty to forty bunkers around the plant , in the case of a nuclear explosion .
I came across this bunker , and waited for the blow ........ I knew that help would only reach me in at least a week ’ s time . I checked for supplies , and found out that I had enough to last me for at least fifteen to sixteen months .
As I was checking through , I felt the ground above me shake violently ...... The nuclear plant had exploded .....
I was really scared , and was hoping that help would arrive soon ...... As I am to get married to my beautiful fiancee in around a month ’ s time .
That was it from the journal ...... The rest of the pages were covered in faeces ...... But that wasn ’ t the problem ....... I felt like I was being watched .......... I heard a small clicking sound from behind me ........ I didn ’ t want to turn around ........ I knew who was behind me .......
“ Ivan Kasprinovich .......”
No response , only a stop to the clicking sound ......
“ Sir , let me help you ...... I can get you out of here ........”
Still no response . A brief silence before the resumption of the clicking sound . I turned around to see a man , he was bloodied , almost skeletal , and very pale ....... He had hair growing from his head all the way till his knees . He was naked , and he held a big smile across his face .
He took out a pocket knife and threw it at me ....... I ducked , and dodged it ....... Barely ...... But that was just a distraction ..... He then ran up the stairs , and opened the bunker door . I realised what was happening , but it was too late ....... I ran up the stairs , only to see the door slam shut in front of my face ........ And in the small window ...... I could see his smile ..... He waved me goodbye , before leaving me ......... I banged on the door , I begged , I pleaded ......
But no one can hear you scream in Бункер 101 ..............
Credit- iamagney . wordpress . com