The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 7

Mr . Sreekumar Kartha Principal

Principal ’ s Message

The last one year has perhaps taught us more than what the previous one decade did . The pandemic took away a lot of potential learning experiences from our life , but it presented us with even more enriching ones . Dear children , the various initiatives that you ’ ve taken are a testament of your immense faith in humanity . We realise , as teachers , that every program , curricular or co-curricular , should be aimed at equipping our children with the skills , competencies , and values for a sustainable life . As you flip through the pages of the latest edition of “ The Journey ”, I am confident that you will join me in acknowledging and appreciating our young generation for their courage in expressing their hope for the future , their creative confidence , their ability to dream and their extraordinary resolve to be change makers in this world .
I wish this edition of the school magazine the very best and hope that our children are able to embark on a great journey of learning through another academic year filled with challenges and promises .