The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 47


The best of winter

Ann Anthraper [ 4E ]
One night , as my night light glowed , Outside , it snowed . Isn ’ t winter beautiful ; When the grass is white , And longer is the night ? It ’ s a holiday , And the winds blow away . Thanks to Christmas , Wouldn ’ t I love to witness A lovely Christmas choir . And sit by a warm fire ? Enjoy the cold , No matter how old .

My Evening Sky

Vedaang Nair [ 4E ]
The sun sinks like an orange ball of fire Its reflection in the rippling waters of the river The gentle winds , the swaying trees , and the amber sky The birds that fly home to call it a day I enjoy this magic everyday with the same joy . The sun sets to take its night long rest . The twilight fades giving way to silvery moonlight And I retire to a world of dreams Full of everlasting sunshine and everlasting bliss .