The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 2


The Global Public School aims to be an institution of excellence , committed to producing lifelong learners who are competent adults living in harmony with their fellow beings and their environment .


To fulfill this vision , Global Public School should provide an environment in which all students discover and realize their full potential . The school must therefore serve each student ’ s unique academic , physical & emotional needs . All aspects of the school ’ s organizational , curricular and co-curricular activities must be child-centered . The school should attract the best talent - students , teachers and facilitators - from all parts of India and the world , without distinction of race , religion , caste , or social status . In particular , it must attain the highest academic standards even as it creates an orderly , trusting and caring environment where teaching and learning are enriching . In addition , drawing on our rich tradition , values and our history , the school should aim at grooming the complete personality of its students by instilling : -
• An understanding and appreciation of India ’ s rich culture .
• A sense of integrity , ethics , and uncomprising honesty .
• A strong secular ethos .
• An awareness of the environment .
• A concern for the less fortunate .
• A concern for human rights and democratic values .
• A questioning mind and a spirit of adventure .
• Leadership , with a sense of teamwork and fair play .