The Jorney 2020 -21 | Page 12



REPORT 2020 - 2021

This rollercoaster of a year has finally come to an end . At the start of the year we were a tad dubious about the idea of an “ online council ”. We were filled with uncertainty , which is often the case when embarking on a new venture . However this felt different- this was a road that had never been tread before . We were going to be the first pair of captains to lead Water house from behind a computer screen !
Gradually we realised that being in the council is more than just the glamorous investiture ceremony and the shiny badge . It is a gruelling responsibility , one that requires immense consistency and dedication . The challenges we faced this year were entirely different from those faced by the captains before us : power cuts , network problems , faulty cameras , often disrupting the flow of the inter house competitions . But with each competition that went by we grew more and more confident . We improvised , made back up plans , and found solutions and alternatives for as many hurdles as we could .
We were pleasantly surprised by the innovation and creativity with which each competition had been planned and designed . We had competitions based on every extracurricular under the sun : music , theatre , art , drama , culinary , fitness , etc . Pop quizzes and other academic based competitions also found a place in our house activities . It was refreshing to see how we , as a school , were not looking at this as a waste of a year , rather as a time to try and experiment new things … things that had never been tried before .
We are extremely lucky to have been a part of this new and exciting journey . It is definitely not what we were expecting , but it taught us so many things that we would have never learnt otherwise . For instance , the importance of adaptability . This pandemic pushed us all out of our comfort zone , forcing us to adapt and learn to make the most of our situation , which we can proudly say , we did successfully .
We could not be more proud of each and every one of our housemates . Thanks to whom we stand tall today . Everything said and done , it has been a fantastic year and we would not change it for the world . May we continue to stay strong , work hard , and most importantly , retain our persevering spirit , which is our greatest asset .
House Coordinator : Joice Jaculine L House Captains : Shloka Vasant & Alana C Roy