The John H. Short NEXUS Core JH-Short2-2-18 | Page 7
An Invitation for Collaboration
The College of Social and Behavioral Science would be honored if you would consider a
leadership gift to name the hub of NEXUS, the NEXUS Core. We respectfully invite your
consideration of a gift of $1 million to name the John H. Short NEXUS Core. Having the Short
name associated with the core will create a vision of interdisciplinary collaboration, data-driven
approaches together with economic accountability to NEXUS. The work within NEXUS is
designed to inspire relentless innovation, with the aim to generate new forms of scientific inquiry
and design more effective forms of application and policy.
We are grateful for your interest in helping NEXUS develop into a long-term and dynamic
program that will advance the mission of the University of Utah as a primary source of
interdisciplinary knowledge. The unique features and resources of NEXUS will not be found
anywhere else in the world. We are honored by the possibility of having a permanent place for
John and you to be recognized. Your advocacy of data-driven and outcomes-based solutions to
critical health and social problems will be a critical component of NEXUS’ activities. Thank you for
your friendship and for championing efforts that make a real difference in the world.