The John H . Short NEXUS Core will leverage our ability to identify , use , and link large datasets to address the grand challenges of today and the future . The University of Utah has truly unparalleled datasets to address challenges from multiple perspectives .
• The Utah Population Database , one of the world ’ s richest sources of information on genetics , epidemiology , demography , and public health has identified numerous patterns of genetic inheritance and mutations ( e . g ., BRCA1 ).
Learn more at https :// healthcare . utah . edu / huntsmancancerinstitute / research / updb /.
• All Payer ’ s Claim Data , containing data from health insurance carriers , Medicaid , and third party administrators allows researchers to address healthcare utilization and cost in a effective way .
• Existing data from state agencies ( e . g ., Workforce Services , Utah Data Alliance , Automated Geographic Reference Center ) will be linked together with databases housed at the university such as the U of U ’ s Enterprise Data Warehouse .
• A proposal is under review for the acquisition of a U . S . Census sponsored Secure Data Center .
Such linkages will allow for cutting edge research that will attract new federally funded grants to the state of Utah . These grants will inform effective , least cost policy solutions to our grand challenges .