Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sand-
ers, and Donald Trump have far
more in common than some
people would probably realise.
They all ran outsider
“insurgent” campaigns, funded
mostly from small individual
donations – though in Trump’s
case he ended up receiving
support from numerous anti-
Hillary super-pacs. They were
all repeatedly dismissed by the
media, declared as crazy, or
unelectable, constantly being
undermined by those within
their own party. But the pun-
dits underestimated three
things; the potential impact of
social media, the size of the
crowds each candidate was
drawing, and the public desire
for change.
Whilst political competitors in
Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and
Theresa May hosted carefully
vetted events, photo-ops, and
fundraising dinners, the popu-
lists were out with the people.
Admittedly Hillary was able to
draw some crowds, but never