The Jist The Jist Of June | Page 38

likely out of fear of a voter backlash were they to truly de- fy Trump. Almost every issue feels like a constant rerun of the House Healthcare bill, which limped past simply be- cause no-one wants to be the one to Obamacare repeal and oppose the party. In fact, the most defiant Republican in the Senate was Susan Collins (R- ME), who has only voted with Trump a mere 86% of the time. So I wouldn't expect Congress to move towards impeachment any time soon. ing his investigation towards a potential obstruction of justice charge, the FBI investigation will continue with their work. But the Republicans are unlike- ly to abandon Trump, they have argued fervently that these ac- tions do not constitute obstruc- tion of justice. We will no doubt get more information as the in- vestigation goes on, but Comey's testimony has made little change to the approach of the Republican party. The Democrats looking for im- peachment will need some- thing more solid for that. With Robert Mueller now turn- 38