The J Mag Debut Issue Jmag_V1i2_online | Page 32

DEC 28 | SPECIAL FOCUS 2 0 1 8 KISHANDAS QUINTESSENCE OF PURITY, ROYALTY AND GRACE 1870 The house of Kishandas is rooted in the tradition of making royal heritage jewellery of Hyderabad, that embodies the fusion of uniquely sourced gems with exquisite workmanship in timeless designs. The story dates back to four generations of jewellers, featuring Harlochandas, his son Harkishandas, his son Krishnadas, and the present generation – Nitin and Prashant. The Krishnadas family’s enviable clientele included members of the Nizam of Hyderabad’s court, his Nawabs, their Generals and Senior Officers, highly placed businessmen. Harkishandas and his son Krishnadas, who were both accomplished and master jewellery designers. The jewellery created at Kishandas & Co. predominantly continues to be ‘one-of-a-kind’, the price of which is seldom considered or discussed, let alone negotiated. WWW.KISHANDAS.IN