Many years ago, between 384 B.C. and 322 B.C., there lived a great Greek philosopher – Aristotle. He stated, “It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize peace.” This shows us that for millenniums there has been a necessity for world peace. Lots of treaties have been made to restore and secure peace throughout the years. Unfortunately, we can see that peace hasn’t been kept for very long, but I still think we should all have faith that some day, no matter the color of our skin, or our religious or political ideals, we’ll all take one another’s hands and make the world a better place.
Today I have a dream, a dream that many of us share: peace, peace around the world. When we think about world peace, I believe that what first comes to our mind is an ideal of freedom, harmony and happiness among all nations and people. Some of you might say it’s impossible to accomplish this but I strongly believe that one day all of us will live in a non-violent world, with no more wars, no more fighting, where people, animals and all living things can coexist in harmony. There are many theories about what the key to world peace is. Some theories are based on political ideologies, others on economic ones. There are also those based on religions, for example Buddhism and Christianity. I think it doesn’t matter which ideology we have as long as the objective is the same: to live in a world without war. I have a dream that some day everyone will understand that world peace can be reached by respecting human and animal rights, also by applying technology, education, engineering and medicine make the world a better place. For example, The World Peace Through Technology Organization is dedicated to inspiring and educating people about peace. This
organization has a website called Throughout this site they promote peace world-wide. They also offer quotes about the topic and links to other peace-related organizations. This is a way of using technology to teach people about what peace really is and what we can do to bring it about and preserve it.
We should try to put an end to all forms of fighting. On September 21st the International Day of Peace is celebrated. This day is used to promote peace, and specifically to promote the absence of war and violence. We should also think that we have to be in harmony not only with humans but also with nature since nature is part of this world, too. What we should do is take care of our natural resources, not destroy them. We shouldn’t pollute the air, the soil, water. We shouldn’t kill animals for fun or just to take their fur.
Despite the fact that many people want to be at peace, there have been terrible wars since the beginning of humanity. Some people have fought to conquer land, to take advantage of others, to obtain slaves. Nowadays, they are fighting for oil and sooner or later there might even be wars over freshwater. However, I still have a dream that some day world peace will be achieved. The answer is that each of us should never lose faith and we should all try to cooperate to make this dream come true, to build a better tomorrow. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Maria Belen Tassara
I Have a Dream