The IRIS Publication June 2013 | Page 3

This theme and scripture was prayerfully selected to symbolize the fire that God has placed behind this vehicle of God ' s glory . This Sorority has been through various trials and tribulations , shakings and persecutions , brokenness and failures , all for the demonic purposes of aborting the Word of God from manifesting in the Earth .
Through it all , this Sorority has also experienced many successes , delivering women from the bondages of Satan , bringing friendships together , making impact in the communities , and just changing the world , one city at a time by the Spirit of God . Therefore , through all the despair that the enemy has sought to throw our way , Lambda Omicron Chi still stands boldly with no disguise or compromise , proclaiming that Jesus Christ , the King of kings , and Lord of lords , is the ONLY way in which we can have eternal life .
Lambda Omicron Chi has just experienced a major shift which is the forerunner for what God desires to do . Instead of operating as one family with the potential to impact a couple of cities , God has dispersed us into several chapters so that we can make damage to the kingdom of darkness . We must continually praise God for expanding our borders to the West Coast with Lambda Epsilon and the Washington DC area with Lambda Zeta . We must continually thank God for the Sorors chartering and toiling in the Tri-Cities , VA and at our headquarters , Southside of Hampton Roads , VA as Lambda Alpha and the Peninsula of Hampton Roads , VA as Lambda Delta . We cannot forget our lovely ladies holding the ground at the Founding University of Old Dominion in Norfolk , VA as Alpha Chapter and finally , we have to begin to shout unto God a new song for our new expansion in Atlanta , Georgia . The US and the international soils of this world is ours if we want it . We have the power , the dominion , and we have Almighty God . Nothing can stop us !
As we move forward in our 11th year and towards our predestined future , may we all keep in mind the reason why we are here . We wear the azure ' blue because we sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus . We wear the silver because we have received redemption in Christ Jesus . We wear the white because we have been purified in Christ Jesus .
So as we wear our colors on this week , representing that distinguished name of Lambda Omicron Chi , let us never allow the enemy to douse the fire that burns within us or give him the power to sway us away from the call of God on our lives . We need each other and as in the continuing words of yours truly and what I always say at every Lambdaversary ...." We are better ... together !" - Founder Quiana
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