The IRIS Publication April 2013 | Page 11

170 + Current Subscribers of this Publication If you are NOT a member of Lambda Omicron Chi and you have a business or ministry that you would like for us to ADVERTISE in this Publication for THREE CONSECTUTIVE MONTHS and on our National Website , feel free to contact us for more information . Your business or ministry must be a positive endeavor that ultimately enhances the Kingdom of God . Approved features require a small donation to our organization . Email us at publication @ lambdaomicronchi . org .

New Chapter Websites

Tri-Cities Lambda Charter

Website : www . tricitieslox . org

Lambda Epsilon Graduate Chapter

Website : www . oaklandgradlox . org

DMV Lambda Charter

Website : www . dmvlox . org

To request your chapter website services , email the Sorority Webmaster at webmaster @ lambdaomicronchi . org .

“ Everybody can be great

because anybody can serve . You don ' t have to have a college degree to serve . You don ' t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve . You only need a heart full of grace . A soul generated by love .”

-- Martin Luther King Jr .

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