The Ipswich Flyer IpswichFlyer_Sep2018_For_Web | Page 17
The Flyer
Personal injury claims: more to it than just compensation
physical recovery from their injuries.
Personal injury solicitors generally
have access to several treatment
and rehabilitation providers who
can provide rehabilitation to help
Claimants get back on track as soon as
possible, these include:
The main purpose
for bringing a
personal injury
claim is to help
a person (the
“Claimant”) back
into the position
Louise Plant that they were
in before the
accident, incident or development of a
condition took place, as far as possible.
To help achieve this, the main focus
of claims is to obtain compensation
for the personal injury that has been
suffered by the Claimant, along with
compensation for the fi nancial losses
that fl ow from that injury such as
lost earnings, medication and travel
expenses as well as claims for the
care provided to those that have been
injured and need assistance.
However, the process of bringing a
claim can often provide much more
practical and immediate assistance
to Claimants in terms of aiding their
• Physiotherapy
• Psychological treatment
• Occupational therapy
In terms of their personal injury claim,
there is a duty upon a Claimant to
try to reduce his / her losses as far
as possible and to ensure that where
there is an option for treatment to be
available that would aid their recovery,
that these options are taken.
It is therefore important as a personal
injury solicitor to consider where we
can act to provide injured Claimants
with treatment which could much
improve their lives, their recovery, and
in some circumstances, speed up the
settlement of the claims process and
bring the claims to a resolution.
If you have therefore been involved in
an accident and suffered injury, please
contact us on 01473 232121, to see if
we can help not just in terms of your
claim for compensation, but in terms
of getting you on the road to recovery.
• Vocation rehabilitation
For Claimants who have serious
injuries such as severe brain or spinal
injuries, there is in fact a Rehabilitation
Code in place which enables all parties
involved in a personal injury claim
to work together to provide early
rehabilitation when it is most required.
The purpose of the Code is to enable
targeted treatment to take place to
maximise a Claimants’ recovery and
to allow that assistance to proceed,
and which isn’t dependent upon the
ou tcome of the claims litigation.
If an insurance company agrees to
provide funding for treatment under
the terms of the Code, it cannot seek
recovery of the costs of that treatment
from the Claimant, even if the case is
lost or discontinued against the insured
person / company at a later date.
P le a s e m e n t i o n ‘ T h e F l yer ’ wh en r esp o n d in g t o ad ver t isements
Trianon Remembers
In 2014 Trianon Music Group marked
the centenary of the commencement
of the Great War, and this September
they commemorate its end with a
concert at Snape Maltings Concert Hall
called Remembrance and Renewal.
The programme refl ects the creative
work undertaken by composers such
as George Butterworth, Ralph Vaughan
Williams and Ivor Gurney as well as
looking forward to events after its
conclusion including women’s suffrage
and jazz.
died in 2018 so taking on an even
more signifi cant role for a group
of musicians who have served East
Anglia for nearly sixty years. Tickets
for the concert are on sale now
from Aldeburgh productions (01728
687110) or the Trianon Ticketline
(01394 283170).
The concert on Saturday 15 September
will also include dedications to
three members of Trianon who have
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