The Introducer Volume 11 | Page 27

Here's a little teaser for the blog posting we produce on the connections we see between those featured in this issue and game changers from this and other issues.

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Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019 after 3 pm eastern when we release our most popular posting on who needs to connect and why.

Chrissa McFarlane and Todd Gray (Issue # 7) might have a good chat. Todd’s ompany, autonomous_ID produced Bio_Sole ® (“self-contained biometric credentialing system designed to meet the security, mobility, and privacy needs of identity and access-control automation) is an award-winning healthcare product. Chrissa and Todd should talk about Chrissa’s Patientory focused on health data. Same goes for Chrissa and Patricia Monthe (Issue # 7) whose Medx eHealth Center provides as complete a telehealth experience as can be had (including payment options for self as patient or someone else), aiming particularly at those countries where higher-level healthcare can’t be found. From The Netherlands, Patricia is been growing her business quickly over the last year - perhaps a collaboration?

Karen Keeley and Caterina Ferrara should connect for a couple of reasons: #1 both are into research in the biomedical space. #2 blockchain is a high priority in their leadership work (Caterina founded Ladies in Blockchain and Karen serves on the UN Blockchain for Impact Global Health Steering Committee.) MORE TO COME JAN. 20th.

Please visit The Introducer Newsstand for back issues and tons of networking opportunities.