The International E-magazine on Adolescent Health; Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use The International E-magazine on Adolescent Health; | Page 6

THE INTERNATIONAL E-MAGAZINE MAY 2014 “The  consequences  of  drug  abuse     on  individuals  and  society”   A drug is any chemical you take that affect the way your body Works. Linda is a woman of 26 years, who has an addiction and whose involucrated with different crimes due to her addiction. A judge sentences her to receive the vaccination that has been developed against her drug of choice. It is ethical and we are in favor of the choice of the judge. If Linda takes this treatment she would be apart of the drugs and the people that are near her would be safe to. The problem is, if she takes the treatment in which different substances in the vaccine are applied and she gets sick of other things some medications will not work on her. With the new methods that have been created Linda’s addiction could be gone. We belive in The judge’s critic point of view and we consider as a reason to be in her side of the cse. Linda has a strong addiction to nicotine and if she receives the vaccine she will be safe of that. Xenova’s treatment could save her. Linda could go and take the vaccine and forget what has happened to her. There is no need to take her to places like rehab or maybe prison because of the crimes where she would not receive as much attention. Rehabilitation centers look for the best in the people they attend. Rehabilitation places have a different way of treating people’s drug abuse and they would take more time with Linda and maybe it could be to late because of the severe status of the problem.The vaccine could end with Linda’s suffering in a short time. Many problems come to people’s lives when they start with the abuse of drugs. The people that surround them such as their family and friends are exposed to the drug too. If Linda doesn’t risk it all who knows if in the future she doesn't get any other health problems,and she will be saved and healthy. The people that surround her take a big role in every drug addicted person. They are the ones who care more of her and who hopefully will try and save her. Letting go of and addiction only leaves positive aspects in the patients life. They will have their mind clear and they could take decisions, the relationships in which they were involucrated that sometimes are broken could get repair, they will not spend money on buying drugs. It is important to consider that the judge is taking the choice but when people are under a drug they don’t have control of themselves so she would not be able to take the best decision, the one that would saved her. People become dependant of the drug and they could not survive a day without it. It is such the passion of taking it that they froget about the important things such as their friends and family. It is very sad watching people try to get off of the addiction. Linda who has the opportunity to give it up, its very fortunate many people would love to have that big opportunity. It is a case in which many aspects are neede to be consider, but if you see it in the way that she doesn’t have control of herself it leaves you wonder if the choice she is making, Linda, will be the right one. So it is better that someone in this case the judge with a lot of experiences takes the choice. We can conclude that its a difficult choice but the best one. The world is growing fast and many things are invented, and they are giving good results. We found ourselves with mixed feelings, 6