Have you ever faced peer pressure? Most likely you have. But the answer as it was, came back from heaven-‘There is
Young people across the globe are daily been pressured to no other way’
be more like their friends and other people instead of being Man cannot be saved by earning his way. Man cannot be
allowed to make their own decisions. In our generation, the saved by obeying a set of rules and commandments. Man
pressure has been doubled with the popularity of social cannot be saved by charitable acts and following the
media updates, statuses, display pictures (dp) etc. There is a claims of other men. The only way to reconciliation with
pressure to conform, a pressure to follow friends and a the Father is through the cross and the death of his son.
pressure to prove your worth and importance to your peers. Jesus said to enter through the narrow way. The narrow
Young people across the globe face pressure and way is the way of the cross. That is the way that leads to
uncertainty about their identity, their purpose in life and life and on this one thing, you must not be uncertain or
what to believe and are swayed to and fro by peer pressure, confused. You cannot decide on your eternal destination
demands of parents and the counsel of friends. based on peer pressure, based on family background or
based on a desire for social recognition. You must decide
But the answers to these questions and to finding your based on the truth, the truth of who Jesus Christ is and
purpose and place in life begins by being absolutely certain what his death on the cross means for you. All other ways
and taking a step of obedience and confidence in one lead to death. No matter what they offer you here on
area- the area of faith in Jesus Christ as the only way of earth, the end is death. And if you haven’t come by the
salvation. way of that cross, renouncing your sin, I don’t care who you
‘Neither is there Salvation in any other, for there is no other are or what you do, you will never make it to heaven.
name under heaven given to men by which they might be
saved. Acts 1: 8
More people stay out of the kingdom of God because of
pride than any other thing. It is a humbling thing to accept
There is no other way to Salvation, to finding meaning in that you are a sinner and accountable to an omnipotent
life and to eternal life after death except by the way of God. It is a humbling thing to repent of your sins and yield
the cross of Jesus. If there had been any other way, Jesus your life to him. But you cannot enter the Kingdom of God
would not have died on the cross. unless you are willing to come to him humbly. There must
be a repenting, there must be a crucifixion, there must be
On the night that He was betrayed, He knelt in the Garden a receiving of Christ who died for your sins. And in Him you
of Gethsemane and prayed that ‘if it was possible, let this will find purpose, you will find meaning, you will find life
cup pass from me’. What was he saying? He was saying and you will have reconciliation with the God of the
‘God, if it is possible to save mankind if it possible to save universe who will be your father in this world and in the
Afia, and the rest of the world by any other way, then spare world after death.
me the cross, God.’ Don’t let pride keep you from coming to Christ. Make a
decision for Christ today
Transcribed sermon of Billy Graham by Afia Bobia Amanfo