The INSPIRER Issue 7 | Page 27

COMMITMENT , AN ESSENTIAL INGREDIENT IN FREINDSHIP PENIELLA DORIS AMPONG THE SEARCH FOR TRUE FRIENDSHIP Friendship for me has always been a big deal. Right from my childhood, as much as I can remember, I realized that I attached a lot of importance to it. I have had friends and developed very close friendships right from  childhood. I pleasured in the warmth of having someone you could talk to, have intimate discussions with, ‘gossip’ with and most importantly have enormous fun with. And like anything that is a big deal, it comes with paying a price. Life in general has been like a jackpot where you need to put in much; money, time, resources, etc, in other to hit big. Whatever you desire in a friendship, you need to invest into it to realise the maximum benefits. Good friendship can be messy and it can burn. You may lose out on all that you’ve invested and are expecting to reap; just like any jackpot. But it’s worth trying because of the great gains. tTHE INSPIRER MAGAZINE-   page 26   -