The Insider Issue 7 | Page 26

FEATURE FEATURE WHAT IS Y ou see, eLearning is any instruction that takes place on a digital device. Sitting down to do that 90 minute online GDPR course that everyone on your team is being made to do? That’s eLearning. Listening to your favourite podcast on your way into work detailing how something is made? That’s eLearning. Watching a 2 minute video on YouTube showing you how to boil an egg? You guessed it, that’s eLearning. by Amy Martin, eLearning Specialist, The Insurance Institute 26 That’s a great question! A quick Google will bring up hundreds of definitions of what eLearning is, and what eLearning is not. But ask yourself, what do you think eLearning is? If your boss told you that you were being put forward to do an eLearning course, what do you think of? Reading a PDF manual? A live-streamed lecture? A podcast? A 2 minute explainer video? A short tutorial on an app on your smartphone? A 2 hour interactive course you complete on your computer? The answer is all of the above. eLearning uses different types of media (text, audio, video, pictures) to deliver information to you, the learner. This information is relevant to whatever the learning objectives for that particular course are. BACKGROUND While technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, eLearning is not a new thing; in fact, it’s been around as early as the 1920s! The 1960s then saw the introduction of computer- based training, which eventually became common in higher education by the 1980s. It was in the 90s, with the introduction of the World Wide Web, which made computer-based, or web-based, training more accessible to students anywhere they had an internet connection. We still use the internet to access eLearning today, but how we access it has changed. As the internet improved Issue 7 • September 2018 • The Insider Issue 7 • September 2018 • The Insider 27