The Insider Issue 5 | Page 38

Data Management at Franklin Templeton Investments ) who says that for him rather than focussing on the balancing , it is moreso about focussing on ‘ purpose and passion ’. 2
With this sense of purpose , how can we apply Covey ’ s third habit of ensuring that every step we take gets us nearer our goal ? What steps can you take each day to pass that exam , get that qualification , complete your CPD and future-proof your career ?
GET A PLAN . Your module-specific learning plan , which can be downloaded from Connect , has already done all the planning for you . This is a weekly high level study schedule which you can adapt around other life-events , holidays or busy works periods . This enables you to make your study schedule work for you , not against you . Keep this plan visible so that it doesn ’ t slip your mind . Be flexible , if you ’ re too tired to study after the kids have gone to bed , change it up and try getting up an hour before them ( if that ’ s possible !!). Sylvain Pendaries gives wise advice when he says that ‘ It is going to be virtually impossible to achieve complete balance every day of your life . There will simply be days and weeks when your work requires more time from you . There will also be days when your family requires more of your time . Instead of driving yourself crazy trying to achieve a work / life balance every day , look at your life on a weekly , monthly , and yearly basis . And schedule times to work hard , recharge , renew , play , and engage whether with your colleagues or with your family and friends . 3
FIGURE OUT YOUR LEARNING STYLE . Everyone learns and studies differently – some like graphics and diagrams , some learn what they hear , while others need to read to understand . By doing a simple quiz such as our learning style one available in Connect , you can discover what works for you , before you even start . You ’ ll also be advised as to which study methods and study supports will benefit you most ; ensuring that your study hours are well spent .
GET FAMILIAR WITH YOUR SYLLABUS AND TEXT- BOOK . Armed with your plan of attack , the next thing to do is study . Your syllabus identifies the main topics and the level of detail you will need to go into for each one . It is a hugely valuable resource which can ensure that you are focussing your time and effort in the right direction . Your syllabus and textbook will allow you to grasp the extent of work you ’ ll need to put in .
STUDY SMART . For days when you are caught for time but still want to put some effort in , don ’ t despair . You can use the key points , available per chapter , which are summary notes of the chapter ’ s main topics ( and can also serve as revision notes ), or read through the study advice or exam preparation techniques . Every small bit helps .
USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY . The advances in technology may have blurred the workday-workplace boundaries , but on a welcome note for students , they also mean that you can study on the go . Using your tablet or smartphone you can access Webinars while you commute , listen to your eBook as you walk the dog or take the learning styles quiz during your lunch break . However , also remember that the digital world can also act as a massive distraction , so make sure you use it wisely . Download as much content as you can in advance and only go online when necessary .
Advances in technology may have blurred the
workday-workplace boundaries ,
but also mean that students can
study on the go .
Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider