The Inside Track Nov 2014 | Page 36

Danielle Dickinson Photo The "Capitan" Cody Kline is a driver that shows up at the track with a good attitude and a goal of victory. For Kline winning hasn't come easy, but it has come plenty. Kline enjoys his times in Slingshots and says it will be status quo for now as the slingshot is a very affordable race division in the area. Kline has wins at 20 tracks and throw in a mechanics race win at the closed Moc-a-Tec speedway for good measure. Something that is impressive is Kline has enjoyed wins at the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, Reading Fairgrounds, and Trailways Speedway in what few starts the Slingshots have at each place. Outside of racing, Kline has had his hands full in 2014. Kline underwent brain surgery in February of 2014 and thought that it would keep him out of the seat for the full season. With some doctors help and motivation to race Cody was back behind the wheel before anyone expected. He even has a win to his credit this year. 36 ~ The Inside Track