IST: On the opposite side of that, who is a driver that makes it especially hard on you?
RH: Still Aaron Bowes. He is fast and runs me hard every corner. I really enjoy good side by side racing like
IST : What is your personal code of conduct on the track?
RH : Give 110% and whatever happens, happens.
IST : What driver did you look up to as a kid?
RH : Bill Elliot has been my idol for a long time which is where the number nine actually comes from.
IST : Some people would you come off as confident, maybe even cocky. How do you respond to that?
RH : I trust the car and the setups my dad puts on them. It is not that I am cocky, I am just very confident in
what I have.
IST : You guys pull into the track in an open trailer after downscaling last year. Did you have to change your
mindset after that change?
RH : Well, a fast trailer never won a race so it didn't change my mind set at all.
IST : You're a dad now. Looking into the future a little bit, do you see your son racing? Does it make you feel
different about how your dad feels when you race now?
RH : In the future, I would like to get him into racing. If he likes it of course. I have not hit the point where I
have to watch my son race so I do