The Innovaton Highway Newsletter - November 2015 | Page 2
“Innovation HIGHWAY”
THE Entrepreneur road to succes s!
This was an interesting week for me personally. I
had another birthday, on a very significant day for all
Americans, Veteran’s Day, November 11 .
We hope to create opportunities for veteran’s; we
will provide free media coverage for any veteran’s
innovations, entrepreneur effort, or if they need
assistance with promoting their new start up
I came across a word I was unfamiliar with in the
following article. At first I thought it was a
misspelling of the word celebration, but as I looked
closer at the world “cerebration’ its meaning and its
use was far more significant. “CEREBRATION”
means: The working of the brain; thinking.
A recent article in by Bill Walker about
Invention vs. Innovation talks about the ‘cerebration’
of innovation and the importance of how “groupthink are key components to turning invention to
Steve Jobs said, “… innovation comes from people
meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at
10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they
realized something that shoots holes in how we’ve
been thinking about a problem.”
Isaac Asimov wrote in a 1959 letter recommending
“cerebration sessions” to promote innovation
beyond invention. Asimov identified shared thinking
and informal collaboration as a key component of
problem solving and accelerating change. Rather
than lecture sessions … the cerebration sessions
are used to “group think new ideas, new possibilities,
and new combinations of knowledge and
experience, which could find new answers and new
In our research into the innovation community in
Arizona (and around the world), I’ve found many,
many instances of “cerebration.” I found it in the
wide variety of co-working spaces available in
Arizona. From simply renting desk space to small
startup companies, to makerspaces with equipment,
such as 3D printers, copiers, conference space,
along with business support and connection to
One Mission at The Innovation Highway is to
showcase, not only companies that offer co-working
space for innovators and entrepreneurs, but also
featuring some of the companies that have worked
through the programs, received mentoring advice,
and are ready to move to their next logical step – a
business that will provide a benefit, either socially,
artistically, economically or environmentally, and
also provide an income to the business developers.
This newsletter features some of what’s happening
in the video game industry. Game CoLab, a coworking space, has been a huge supporter of
creators of video games. “Reflections” is one of the
games we’re featuring.
“Reflections” has been accepted into multiple
events this year, including The MIX at GDC, SXSW
in Austin, The Boston Festival of Indie Games, and
now the Smithsonian American Art Museum for
Indie Arcade. “Reflections” has been extremely well
recognized nationally, and has even received
honors in other countries such as Japan.
Let’s Encourage More
Debbie Norwitz, Editor