The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-Sept 2014 The Ingenieur Vo. 59, July-Sept 2014 | Page 9

KDN PP 11720/4/2013 (032270) THE VOL.57 JANUARY-MARCH 2014 L E M B AG A J U R U TE R A M A L AY S I A B OA RD OF E NGINE E RS MA LAY S IA INGENIEUR M A G A Z I N E O F T H E B O A R D O F E N G I N E E R S, M A L A Y S I A MANAGING WATER The Ingenieur is published quarterly by the Board of Engineers Malaysia. The following are the themes for the coming issues. • VOL 60 Oct-Dec 2014 – ENERGY RESOURCES Articles and editorial contributions relevant to the themes are welcomed, but the decision to publish rests with the Editorial Board. ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLICATION CALENDAR Advertising inquiries are also welcomed. Please refer to the BEM advertisement in this issue for the latest rate card and booking form. Challenges in the Construction of the Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Tunnel Rainwater Utilisation Systems in Malaysia Water Security in Malaysia Global Directions towards creating Water Footprints ai PHOTO COURTESY OF Ir. FONG CHEW CHUNG THE INGENIEUR E-MAGAZINE ON SMARTPHONES & iPad THE INGENIEUR can now be read on smartphone as well as iPad. Read anywhere, anytime and share with your colleagues and friends. How to get the e-magazine? Mobile Version - Scan the QR Code The Ingenieur Vol 58 Apr-June 2014 The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-September 2014 Native iPad/iPhone Version – Get the free Apps The e-magazine may be viewed natively on iPads and iPhones using the Joomag Apps. Download for free. 7 ingenieur 2014-July-FA.indd 7 7/9/14 10:37 AM