The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-Sept 2014 The Ingenieur Vo. 59, July-Sept 2014 | Page 35

The displacement measurements of the bridge were observed at the top of pier and the intermediate pier (Pier 3 was selected for observation). In general, all types of bridge models are still in a secure condition due to the actual ground acceleration TR=500 (0.0555g) and TR=2500 (0.10781g). To study the damage level performance of the bridge, the actual ground acceleration was scaled up to 30 times. Figures 8 to 10 show the serviceability performance of the overall bridge based on the serviceability level at Pier 3 for fix-based, rubber bearing pad and seismic isolator bearing bridge models. The summary of the results are: i. The fix-based model reaches damage level (B) at 0.444g, IO level at 0.8325g and LS level at 1.332g; ii. The rubber bearing pad model reaches damage level (B) at 0.333g, IO level at 0.444g and LS level at 0.777g; and iii. The seismic isolator bearing model reaches damage level (B) at 0.333g, IO level at 0.4995g and LS level at 1.332g. Figure 8a Figure 8b Figure 8c Figure 8d Figure 8: The performance of the bridge using fix-based bearing model analysis 33 ingenieur 2014-July-FA.indd 33 7/9/14 10:37 AM